CINNAMON GRASS Hierochloe redolens
Cinnamon Grass forms large, lax clumps from short spreading rhizomes. Leaves are broad and smell spicy when crushed, hence the name’ Cinnamon’ Grass. Flowers and seeds have a silvery tone. This grass is native to the Falkland Islands found typically on damp ground near running water Itis common on East and West Falkland as well as on neighbouring South America.
Sources include: Falklands Conservation, Plants of the Falkland Islands - Ali Liddle 2007,The Vascular Flora of the Falkland Islands- D. M. Moore, B.Sc., Ph.D, 1968, Wild Flowers of the Falkland Islands- T.H Davis and J. H. McAdam
Photographic credits: Jeremy Richards/, Robert Maddocks,
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